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To be eligible to shop at Teacher Treasures A Resource Center:


Teachers must be a full-time, certified teacher with his or her own classroom, at one of our public schools located in Caldwell County, North Carolina. Personnel not eligible to shop include: Instructional Assistants, Interns, Student Teachers, Tutors, In School Suspension Teachers, Visiting Teachers, *Counselors, Custodians, and Office and Cafeteria staff.


If you are not eligible to shop but possess a teaching certificate from an accredited college or university and work as a permanent part-time employee for Caldwell County school district, you may be able to earn a 30 minute shopping trip but you must first sign up to volunteer for three or more hours and complete a volunteer orientation. Once completed, you can then earn a free 30 minute time slot. Due to limited product availability, this program is only available to Caldwell County school district employees.





*Under certain circumstances school Counselors and Caldwell County DHHS Social Workers may be eligible to make emergency visit(s).  example; If a teacher, in the middle of the school year receives a New Student or identifies a Student in need who shows up with no school supplies, this would then be considered an emergency event and would warrant eligibility.

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